Home Security Packages

In today’s world, safeguarding your home is more important than ever. But did you know installing a home security system can do more than just protect your property? It can also help you save on your homeowner’s insurance. Because nothing says ‘I trust you’ like paying for a policy you hope you’ll never need. This guide will walk you through how you can achieve these savings and answer some frequently asked questions on the topic.

Why Do Insurance Companies Offer Discounts for Home Security Systems?

security systems

Insurance companies understand that homes equipped with security systems are less likely to be burglarized or damaged. Because of course, burglars can never watch all those online tutorials on how to disarm an alarm. This reduces the risk of claims, allowing them to offer lower premiums to homeowners who take the initiative to secure their properties. 

How Much Can You Save?

home alarm system cost

The amount you can save varies, but most insurance companies offer discounts ranging from 5% to 20%. Saving on insurance premiums is like finding money in the couch cushions—except it’s way more satisfying. Factors influencing the discount include the type of security system installed and the specific insurance provider’s policies.

Steps to Save on Your Insurance with a Home Security System

Here is a step-by-step guide to saving up on your insurance:

1. Choose the Right Home Security System

Surveillance cameras

Install a comprehensive home security system that includes:

  • Door and window sensors to detect unauthorized entry.
  • Motion detectors for monitoring movement within your home.
  • Security cameras for visual surveillance.
  • Alarm systems to deter intruders and notify authorities.

2. Get Professional Monitoring

current issues in security cameras

Opt for a system with professional monitoring services. Insurance companies favor systems that are monitored 24/7 by security professionals who can quickly respond to emergencies. Apparently, ‘winging it’ isn’t a viable strategy for the insurance guys.

3. Obtain Certification

home security system installation

After installation, obtain a certificate from the security company verifying that your system meets specific standards. Provide this certificate to your insurance company to qualify for discounts. 

4. Inform Your Insurance Provider

home security system

Contact your insurance company to inform them about your new security system. Provide any required documentation and ask about available discounts. Don’t forget to mention all the features of your system, as this can affect the discount rate. Because let’s be realistic, discounts are the only thrill you get as an adult.

5. Regular Maintenance

Home security 

Ensure your security system is well-maintained. Regularly test your alarms, replace batteries, and check that all components are functioning correctly. A well-maintained system is more effective, thereby maintaining your eligibility for insurance discounts.

What Types of Home Security System Qualify for Discounts?

Home Security systems

Most types, including burglar alarms, fire alarms, and monitored security systems, can qualify you for discounts. Check with your insurance provider for specific qualifying criteria.


best home alarm system

Investing in a home security system not only protects your family and belongings but can also lead to significant savings on your homeowner’s insurance. By following these steps, you can maximize your savings while enjoying peace of mind.

Experience Praetector Today!

Discover Praetector, your source for premium home security cameras featuring state-of-the-art technology. Enjoy lifetime cloud storage for all your footage, accessible from anywhere. With our user-friendly mobile app, setup and control are a breeze. Praetector: We scare burglars away faster than you scare off your in-laws!

Visit Praetector today!